Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 12, 2012

Safeguard WP - Wordpress Security

FACT: Hackers Love to Destroy, Disable, And Even Delete Entire Websites Every Single Day Just for Kicks. Even Your Hosting Companies are Powerless To Stop Them!

FACT: According To the National Vulnerability Database A U.S. Government Cyber Crimes Division WordPress Has over 450+ Vulnerabilities RIGHT NOW! And It Just Keeps Growing Every Day…

FACT: New Vulnerabilities and Exploits for WordPress are being found each and every day. With Any Software there will always be Exploits but you don’t have to sit on the sidelines and wait for your site to be hacked to safeguard your site that you have put in so many hours into.

The Major Problem right now is that most solutions in the market can make things worse for your site! When you load your site with plugins that supposed to help you solve this issue they can do things that can ruin your site if you don’t know what you are doing.

Most of the “Security Plugins” in the Market today rely on the site owner to know how to implement the security issues properly but they give zero instructions on how to do this.

I know there are many Security Plugins in the market that you can use on your site, but there are major flaws when rely solely on plugins!

WordPress has a Massive Bulls Eye on its back because it has become a popular way to build sites quickly.  So it’s paramount that you take security of your site very seriously.

Simple Effective Strategies that took me over 3 years to master!  But you don’t have to be a computer wiz or wait 3 years to master it. I’ve done all the hard word for you.

“Mario has helped me out immensely – he always answers my questions and goes the distance to explain things clearly. Either in the forum or through email, he’s willing to not only help out, but follows up to check and see how I’m doing! His tutorials are in depth and very helpful, and when he suggests tools for us that he himself is using successfully, he always provides lots of information and step-by-step videos on how to get the most out of them. I value and cherish his words, and I can’t thank him enough for the advice he’s given me.”

According To Matt Cutts Site…

Safeguard WP - Wordpress Security

ClickBank Marketplace Product Analytics - CBENGINE

In short, it’s a huge library of ebooks, software and other digital goods. It contains thousands of products that you are free to promote as a ClickBank affiliate. The vast majority of ClickBank Vendors pay a commission of 50% and 75% on the sale price of their products.

This is where CBENGINE comes in. We are the top ClickBank Analytics search site on the web. Our Pro Membership service is guaranteed to help you become a successful ClickBank affiliate. Simply put, CBengine is a tool designed to help you make money using ClickBank. See Features

You’re On Vacation. The Legendary Peng Joon and John Chow Have Put Together A System That Will Enable You To Work From No Home And Make Money While You’re Vacationing Around The World. Watch Full Video.

Long-Time Online Marketing Genius, George Brown, Has Always Had A Knack For Generating Traffic To Help You Make More Money Online. Test His Program And See For Yourself. Full 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!

Rogue Programmer Has Tapped Into Automated Ways To Suck Money Out of Facebook. Listen To Free Presentation.

Quit Your Day Job And Seriouly Spend a Couple Hours A Day Enjoying a Cup of Coffee and Making Easy Money With the Coffee Shop Millionaire Money Making Program.

This Product Is For Anybody That Needs A Guide For Making A Consistent Monthly Income Online. Become An Internet Landord! 60-Day Money Back Gaurantee!

Hot ClickBank product to promote. Get Him/Her back easy! High-conversion rates, 75% payouts. Great affiliate support.

Affiliate product pick: Slap the Market. Unique product. Low refund rate. High conversion rates. Start promoting:

ClickBank Marketplace Product Analytics - CBENGINE

Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 12, 2012

Keyword Winner - Revolutionary Wordpress SEO Plugin

"I have been using Keyword Winner for the past few days and so far I really like it. Keyword Winner makes it super easy to find low competition keywords to use in your blog post titles because it puts it all in your WP control panel. This is a must have plugin. Go get it!"

"With so many of us focusing on paid advertising, it’s always important to never forget about the BILLIONS of free targeted traffic that is out there every day in organic search results. Keyword Winner can help you get there!"

"The most powerful SEO plugin I have ever seen and used! With the help of this tool it has given me not only great rankings for my own blog, but niche sites of mine too. A very impressive tool Dan, thanks once again." More Reviews

Once you post you can achieve 1st page results in less than 3 hours just by simply targeting headlines with low competition, bearing in mind you will also get good click throughs from targeting high search trends according to the trends graph that will also appear in your dasboard.

Once you achieve 1st page rankings for low competition pages and high search trends you can instantly start cashing in on your blog post pages. You can easily target niche keywords, write reviews or promos on products or anything else you think will convert into a sale. Video Demos Here

Once you type a headline in your blog post, you can click "get suggestions" making it easy to get instant stats so that you can choose the best headline based on its overall searches per month, competitive nature and search trend! (1. Google Insights 2. Google Competition 3.Google Trends 4. Bing Backlinks) You can even add tags as well!

Less competitive phrases are highlighted green, orange for average competing keywords and more competitive phrases are highlighted red! You can drill down on any suggested keyword until you get a low competition keyword.

Up to 10 keyword suggestions for each headline are at your finger tips making it easy to target the right keywords and rank to the 1st page easily!

Bloggers can quickly view the competition rank in admin area of their old blog posts and easily edit and improve page competition. ……………………………………..*Supports All Languages

Being a blogger is no easy game, not only do you have to think of…

Keyword Winner - Revolutionary Wordpress SEO Plugin

Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 12, 2012

Curation Software - PageOne Curator - Official Site - Powerful New Curation Tool -

Powerful Curation Software To Help You Create Profitable Authority Sites WIthout The Pain Of Doing It Manually.

Desktop software – runs on Mac and PC – (Adobe AIR) – Instantly Available in a membership site

Desktop software – runs on Mac and PC – (Adobe AIR) – Instantly Available in a membership site

Search for fresh and exciting articles from Google blog search, News search, Twitter or your even your own feeds. When you have found a good new source of content you can either use it immediately, or save it in your own collection.

Explore and expand suggested keywords directly from the Google and Amazon using the built in keyword explorer tool.

Create your post locally using a powerful integrated editor with advanced formatting and preview functionality.

Publish directly to your blog empire all from within the app. You can even schedule or backdate posts, use the blog’s categories and use the homepage only feature (sticky post).

Automatically insert your keyword into the title, together with additional long tail keywords, and write your optimized meta description snippet to enable you to get found and attract more visitors to your site.

Curate content responsibly by automatically inserting the correct attribution links to the source articles correctly recognising the authors. Inserting images that are licensed under the creative commons licensing model.

Upload and insert images from your own collection on your hard disk either from you stock or your own photography.

PageOneCurator runs on Mac (MacOs 10.6, 10.7) and on Windows XP, Windows7. WordPress self hosted software supported. Blogs must support xml-rpc.

Online help desk staffed by real people are there to help you deal with any issue with the software and empower you stay productive all the time.

“Paul, Thanks for such a great piece of software. I used it for two posts and I am thrilled with the outcome. This software is definitely whitehat and is really a thoroughly thought out tool. This can easily sell for much more. So thanks for making such a quality tool available to us” – Conan H “This tool is a brilliant piece of software and is one of the best software purchases I have made.I am pleased to say I have been using it every day to add posts to my blog.” – Janet

Desktop software – runs on Mac and PC – (Adobe AIR) – Instantly Available in a membership site – 5 user license – Unlimited Sites

Desktop software…

Curation Software - PageOne Curator - Official Site - Powerful New Curation Tool -

Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 12, 2012

Make Money With Facebook!!!!

If you’re trying to make money online … grass-root, beginner intermediate or advanced … throw away ALL those B.S. courses, manuals, CDs and seminar DVDs you’ve bought over the years and read very carefully. I can’t help you if you want the latest SEO, Adwords, Blogging, Article Marketing (or any of the above) so-called killer techniques.

But what I can do for YOU today is … reveal 1 system in ‘absolute’ detail, … that once you apply it, you will never go back to the outdates ways of traffic generation EVER again. With this system, there are NO RULES, red tape and hardly any competition …

As you can see, this system is VERY powerful, AND so much so, that I can now live the life I want, with no ONE to tell me what to do, no boss… it’s total freedom. I have paid OFF all of my debts and I can buy ANYTHING I want to, whenever I want to… and I’m going to show YOU how you can do exactly the same, even if you are a beginner.

Here’s an example… IMAGINE yourself picking up a brand NEW Range Rover and paying $73,194 in CASH for it…!

Facebook™ is a viral traffic machine and it’s… BIGGER than Google, LESS Competitive than Google, and offers BETTER targeting than Google!

So this is your once in a lifetime opportunity to wipe the slate clean… eliminate all the conflicting and confusing advice you’ve been force fed… and finally watch SERIOUS money roll into YOUR accounts just like this…

but that’s not all… look at how I built a super responsive, brand new list FROM SCRATCH in just 12 DAYS…

In fact, all you need is the following formula and a stable bank account on standby, and you’re ready to start cashing in on the BIGGEST opportunity the internet marketing world has seen in a very long time…

After all, isn’t that what you’re trying to achieve? Isn’t that why you came here today?

…or being told that making lots of money on the internet is "not likely" and/or is just a "scam" by most of your friends and family?

But ONLY if you continue to be led ASTRAY by all of the old, TIRED and downright false information that is causing you to get tied in knots and FAIL uncontrollably…

DON’T let that happen. Don’t spend the rest of your…

Make Money With Facebook!!!!

Pinsomo Premium WordPress Theme — SOMOThemes

Facebook OpenGraph helps Facebook identify images, titles and descriptions of your pages, which get displayed in people’s activity feed when they are using Facebook.

Google now includes author information in search results so when your pages appear in the Google search results, you can have your Google+ profile displayed along with the results.

When your site is viewed on different devices such as a mobile phone, the PinSomo theme automatically adjusts site display according to the screen size of the device.

PinSomo integrates your site with Facebook Insights, so you can analyse data collected from your visitors based on what social signals they generate on-site and off-site.

“The world’s most expensive domain changed their site to look like Pinterest and increased their traffic by more than 10 times.”

Google’s Panda and Penguin might have caused a lot of ranking problems for wordpress users like you and me, with a countless number cases of sites plummeting while some others surprisingly ranking at the top of SERPs – all in one night.

What if YOU could fix that problem without over-spending on online marketing campaigns but merely a fraction of those costs?

The World’s most expensive domain name managed to increase their traffic by more than 10 times instantly with just one simple change.

Just by modelling after what is currently the world’s fastest growing social site, your site traffic TOO can increase by that same 1173% — maybe more.

Before we show you how you can get this theme NOW for a fraction of all your previous SEO spending, let us look at why changing your theme to look like Pinterest can bring in traffic…

The whole aesthetic, usability and design on Pinterest are so familiar that it becomes our second nature to repin things we like.

When you have a theme that looks exactly like Pinterest, your visitors who’re used to pinning and repinning are going to love it. It encourages them to repin your posts, have followers who like that post, help repin it and a domino effect is eventually created.

This perpetuates the effects of how one Pinterest user can generate the desired amount of traffic that you could only dream of.

Recent research has shown an increasing number of consumers making a purchase after seeing an image on Pinterest.

If you’re in an online business that generates profit through…

Pinsomo Premium WordPress Theme — SOMOThemes

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 12, 2012

Forex Pips Optimizer

It’s time to forget everything you thought you knew about Forex. It’s time to stop believing “the hype.”

The truth is to make money trading Forex you don’t need to be an expert … You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on courses and webinars … You don’t need to spend years studying.

It’s human nature I guess – we think that to make a lot of money we have to work hard for it or we have to study for a long time and become “an expert.”

How much money you make most often doesn’t have anything to do with how much or how long you work. If it did, most of a company’s workers would be paid more than the bosses, right?

Making money trading Forex doesn’t have to be hard, it doesn’t have to be a struggle, you can make tons of money quickly and easily … if you have the right tool!

Now guess how much I worked that month? I worked an average of 15 minutes a day – That’s right! Just 15 minutes a day!

So have I got your attention? If so, please get comfortable and read the rest of this page RIGHT NOW. Yes, it’s that important.

My name is Alan Nuskey and I’m about to pull the rug out from underneath all the so-called Forex gurus and experts out there…

I’m tired of all their scare tactics and lies. I’m here to show you that you really can make a full-time, quit-your-day-job income trading Forex…

… and to do it you don’t need to be an expert or have years of trading experience or anything like that!

Right here, right now I’m going to show you what you do need to realize your earnings goals … and I’m also going to show you proof, lots and lots of proof, of how my system really works.

You are going to learn how I make $1,000 A Day working just 15 minutes a day and often much less than that.

How to make money trading Forex without having to use or even understand charts, technical indicators and all that other “mumbo jumbo”!

And don’t think my system works just for me. I’ve let a few close friends use it and here’s a…

Forex Pips Optimizer

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 12, 2012

Keyword Researcher: A Long Tail Keywords Generator Tool

When you use Google, you may notice a little drop-down box that represents their attempt to predict what you’re about to type next. For example when I type the phrase "How does a camera…" then Google assumes I might be looking for:

Now these are some nice keyword phrases. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to save them so we could add them to our website content?

Well that is where Keyword Researcher comes in! Keyword Researcher is an easy-to-use Google Autocomplete scraper. Once activated, it emulates a human user, and repeatedly types thousands of queries into Google. Each time a partial phrase is entered, Google tries to predict what it thinks the whole phrase might be. We merely save this prediction. And, as it turns out, when you do this for every letter of the alphabet (A-Z), then you’re left with hundreds of great long tail keyword phrases.

It might sound a bit confusing at first, but after you try a few queries, you may realize it’s actually the simplest piece of software you’ve ever used. And, fortunately, Keyword Researcher is free to try out!

Download your free trial version now. If you’d like more information, there are several quick videos below.

In this very brief three minute video, I quickly go over a few ways to discover keywords in Keyword Researcher.

"Amazing. I love this tool, and it has given me lots of great ideas…especially when I need content ideas. It provides a lot of great ideas for my niche." Johnathan

"So simple and so easy to use. You can play around with it for hours and hours…Great for finding niches and sub-niches, product ideas, article ideas." John Robbinson

"Easy to use and great for finding variations on your main keyword, sub-headings, building out a website, and looking for a few easy pages to rank…" Lissie

"This is the only keyword research tool that I recommend. The ideas, inspiration, and content longtails you will get for your niche topic are going to result in you producing a page of content that is more than going to pay for this tool. And as they are Google’s database then we KNOW that these terms are being searched by a decent volume of peeps every month. It’s a goldmine dudes." Dave


Keyword Researcher: A Long Tail Keywords Generator Tool

NSP V3.0: More Powerful Than EVER

Hello I’m Tyler Ericsson, the creator of Net Space Profits, and I am excited to introduce you to my newly released Version 3.0 System which is more Powerful Than EVER.

If you’re like me the first thing you want you’re wondering is do I even need to read this page? What is Net Space Profits about and what’s in it for me?

In a nutshell, Net Space Profits is a very efficient process of cranking out a portfolio of highly effective, highly targeted, and precisely positioned 1-page websites for 43 specific business categories and then quickly leasing those spaces to local businesses in your market…

If you were looking for a florist in Mesa Arizona, this would be the most logical term you would search.

You will see this from your Google search, Number 1, "Florists in Mesa", that’s mine – I set this Net Space up quickly as a demo for you.

Using my Net Space Profits system I effortlessly set up these sites I call “spaces” and then use my 3 step technique to get them well positioned in local searches just like this REAL LIVE Example your looking at, what I then would do is lease this ‘space’ to a local florist for them to put their telephone number on.�

This very space leases for at least $300 and the florist pays me every 30 days just for leaving their phone number on there…. The massive CASH pieis just waiting for YOU.

That’s what Net Space Profits is all about… when someone is looking for a plumber in your city, they find your local plumbing site which funnels them right to your client.

But, when you narrow your focus down to a single local market by selecting a specific local domain things begin to change.

Next, by zeroing in on one specific business category in that one specific market, you can see how your Net Space funnel site can quickly grab the corner of the market…

You can simply follow the exact, very specific process using the software I am going to give you to create your funnel sites and repeat it over and over again until you reach your income goal.

I’ll show you how to create your spaces to capitalize on great positioning in local search for any market you choose…

It took 10 months… 2 programmers, 3 graphic designers, 2 server experts, 3…

NSP V3.0: More Powerful Than EVER

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 12, 2012

How to Start a Blog that Matters

Hundreds of millions of blogs are online today. Thousands more are started every day. Anyone can start a blog in 5 minutes, but very few people will start blogs that matter.

That’s a question I started asking myself long before I started my first blog. Since then, I’ve started three popular blogs, and I’ve helped friends and clients attract huge audiences with blogs.

By studying these differences and through the work I’ve been doing for the past three years, I’ve developed a repeatable formula for building successful blogs.

This formula is what I used to create each of my three blogs (, Think Traffic and Expert Enough).

I have also used the formula to help clients launch or grow blogs that attract from 10,000 to 100,000+ visitors per month (including Live Your Legend, Man Vs. Debt, Primer Magazine and The Possibility of Today).

I created this course because I believe in the ability of blogs to change the lives of the people who start them and the readers who follow them. I have seen blogs change the lives of many of my closest friends.

If you think you have the creativity and dedication it takes to create a blog that matters, you should consider joining us in this course.

Corbett Barr is the founder of Insanely Useful Media, and creator of How to Start a Blog that Matters.

Corbett has dedicated his career to teaching people how to attract thriving online audiences. Through his courses and one-on-one consulting, he has helped students and clients start hundreds of new blogs.

Corbett is also an informal advisor to some of the top bloggers online including Adam Baker of Man vs. Debt and Leo Babauta of Zen Habits.

A blog can be a fantastic platform to build a business around, the kind of flexible business you can run on your terms from anywhere in the world.

From minimalism to nomadic living to nonconformity to Occupy Wall Street and more, blogging has been behind some of the biggest social movements of the past decade.

Don’t go searching for your dream job. Start a blog and demonstrate your expertise and passion for the job you want. Make employers want YOU for who you are.

I travel six months out of the year, and nearly anywhere I go in the world I meet up with…

How to Start a Blog that Matters

Chủ Nhật, 23 tháng 12, 2012

Flip Siphon Pro -

ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware corporation. is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by in the materials on this Web page. This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google. The above statements are a representation of vendor’s experiences, and are narrated by a third party voice actor.

Please Note: additional charges may apply. As with any internet business you will have a few small fees such as $1.99+ Per Domain Name & from $4.95+ per month for Hosting fees. ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware corporation. is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by in the materials on this Web page. This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Google, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Google. The above statements are a representation of vendor’s experiences, and are narrated by a third party voice actor.

Flip Siphon Pro -

Siege Commissions

Forget trying to get to Page 1 on Google with competitive keywords because it just isn’t possible… or is it?

Let’s face it, billions of dollars are spent on SEO every single year to compete for the holy grail of internet marketing… getting your site on Page 1 on Google.

And you’ll be able to get all of this by following a very simple blueprint because I’m about to show you how to…

Because with the Siege Commissions site as your secret weapon, you’ll be well on your up the search engines … without working round the clock like a mad sweat-shop SEO engineer on roids.

Siege Commissions is nothing like that. All you’ll need is to create content… and it starts by making not hundreds… not ten… not even five… but ONLY one killer article per week.

That’s why I’m going to be 100% straight with you. Because you see, I’ve been in your shoes.

That’s why I’m not going to tell you that all you will need to is to push a button and your wishes of becoming a millionaire overnight will come true.

I’m also not going to tell you that you can lie back and watch money come in by clicking three buttons.

Because if you’re anything like me, you should already know that these ridiculous claims DO NOT work and frankly, I’m dead tired of them.

There is a loophole… and the best part of this is that you probably don’t even have a clue of what you’ve just stumbled upon.

You’re about to find out just HOW quick it can be to get your site up and running and avoid all the pitfalls and obstacles 93% of marketers encounter. I’ll show you step-by-step what you’ll exactly need to do, even if you’ve never installed wordpress in your entire life.

Heck, since we’re being brutally honest here, I need you to know this. Siege Commissions will not work for anyone… and if you fall into any one of the categories below, I suggest you click on the ‘X’ at the top of this window and leave.

LoL, it’s clear I’m probably not from around here. Heck, I probably live on the opposite side of the globe from you. But here’s the…

Siege Commissions

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 12, 2012

Social Bookmarking Software, Social Bookmarking Tool

"Get Unlimited Supply Of High PR Backlinks And Laser Targeted Traffic From Major Bookmarking Sites… All Done In Minutes On Autopilot!"

Just Fill In Some Blanks And Press The Start Button, And You Can Start Increasing Your Affiliate Commissions, Product Sales And Adsense Income Today!

Web promotion is all about getting links and traffic to sites. You can build one million quality sites but with no proper web promotion, you will never see money coming in.

Most web promotion tactics have one thing in common – trying to rank high in search engines results. In the old fashion days, I loved to submit my sites to hundreds of link directories. It worked like magic until the search engines changed their algorithms.

Then the next big thing was Blog and Ping. It was one of the most powerful web promotion system. I could easily get my pages indexed in a couple of hours and rank high in search engines.

But once again, the search engines saw this coming and as a result it is now very difficult to rank one’s websites on search engines, based on Blog and Ping.

Article submission is one of the methods I used. However, though it is still a very effective traffic generating tactic, it is also very time consuming.

I spent thousands on SEO tools and even hired an SEO expert. I spent hours doing Search Engine Optimization on-site and off-site. I did see some traffic now and then but the figures were not something i am proud of.

I was desperate for a real traffic generating solution. I needed to be able to get traffic fast! To my luck, I found the very answer to my web promotion pain.

"With Social Bookmarking, You Can Tap Into An Unlimited Supply Of Targeted Traffic And High Quality Backlinks For Free!"

What is Social Bookmarking & Why is it so powerful and different from other web promotion tactics?

Social Bookmarking websites are basically sites that categorize and store ‘bookmark links’ (links which take one to a specific website). Millions of visitors flood these Social Bookmarking sites to search for information.

So the idea of bookmarking is to post links back to your web page from these Social Bookmarking websites. You need to specify some keywords (we call them TAGS) which categorize your bookmark.

This allows others to search and even vote for your bookmark. Social Bookmarking is…

Social Bookmarking Software, Social Bookmarking Tool

Mass Income Multiplier-Free Training Webinar Shows How To Make 400.75$ Per Day From Free Traffic

Watch the short 8 minute video above for an overview of Mass Income Multiplier … To find out exactly how MIM will work for you, please keep reading every word of this page…

No, It’s Not Simply Another Niche Traffic Software – It’s Way More Sophisticated Yet So Easy To Use That You Only Need to Know How to Click Some Buttons To Get Started Making Money

And no, we don’t promise you a huge chunk of money without any work… What we promise is that our application can generate for you awesome auto money pages within 30 seconds, bring you perpetual traffic for life, and build for you the massive lists that you can monetize from time to time…

But I’m pretty sure the reason you’re here is because you desperately need to spend less time making more money online.

Trust me, it’s NOT a simple WordPress plugin or a simple article spinner/submitter or any blind offer that you’ve been bombarded with every single day.

In fact, I personally use it everyday to create my auto money sites, generate traffic, build lists and make awesome affiliate money.

I have nothing to hide, and I will go into details explaining what the software is, and what it can do for you.

And the traffic proofs here are updated in real-time. So DON’T think this is just like anything out there you’ve seen.

Because I’ve had a complete "done-for-you" software solution developed that sucks all the hard work out of getting EASY ONLINE INCOME.

And I can’t guarantee that you’ll make any money from the software if you don’t have the requirements I just mentioned.

It does everything for you. More specifically, it automates the three most important aspects of the most profitable online business ever, affiliate marketing.

With affiliate marketing, you don’t need a product to handle, you don’t need to do customer support. Life is free and easy…

… but there is so much competition out there. So here is how my application will help you to outperform your competitors:

The application allows you to create auto money pages filled with contents, videos, and most importantly, your affiliate links in just 30 seconds.

The content pages with awesome graphics are specifically designed to make you affiliate sales automatically. That means no product to handle, no customer support.

You don’t need to care about hosting or domains as the…

Mass Income Multiplier-Free Training Webinar Shows How To Make 400.75$ Per Day From Free Traffic

Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 12, 2012

Welcome to Paid Surveys, Etc. - Get Paid For Your Opinion

"The CEO’s of: Walmart … Amazon and eBay Are Tripping Over Their Own Feet To Give Me Money!" These million-dollar-a-year fat cats, don’t know squat about their customers… So they pay ‘ordinary’ people like me to tell them the word on the street.

Each day I help these companies make more informed decisions about what their customers really like and don’t like about specific products.

These companies spend 1.5 Billion Dollars per Month… because if they don’t know what their typical customers needs and wants are, then they won’t have a business come next season.

This is a tiny example of what’s available. There are hundreds of companies that have massive lists of potential surveys to take.

Life is not as hectic as it once was. Now I set my own hours and usually just work on my laptop in bed. It’s normal for me to make $25 – $45 before breakfast, simply by answering a few surveys.

The best part is that there is no end to this because this is a required step for all businesses! As a matter of fact, thousands more people are needed just to keep up with demand!

Even if you have never done anything like this before, you don’t need to worry because I will show you how to start making money today.

“This calculator is only to be used as an example of what can be potentially earned. These results are not typical or guaranteed.”

Y’see for a risk free trial of 60 days I’ll let you become one of my Paid Surveys, Etc. Members. You’ll be able to complete surveys free for 60 days and if you decide not to continue you won’t be charged a penny. The simple fact is if you don’t start earning and if your life doesn’t change dramatically. then I don’t want your money.

I think that’s only fair. I don’t ever want to sell a product to someone that’s not getting 100 times+ the value for what they paid me.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re already on Facebook, you’re new or simply want to start all over again. We have recorded every detail step-by-step, so it’s like watching over my shoulder as I show you how to make huge profits from home!

This video course will show anyone how to become a Twitter master and create a massive list of "followers…

Welcome to Paid Surveys, Etc. - Get Paid For Your Opinion

Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 12, 2012

Internet Marketing Training, Software and Coaching

Simply enter your email address to the right and we’ll send you 5 free videos revealing a simple formula for setting up profit-producing niche websites. You’ll receive the first video in your email inbox immediately after registering…

If you’re interested in learning how to build automated, lasting, and highly profitable income streams online, then you’ve come to the right place.

Many people don’t realize it, but building a profitable website doesn’t have to be a difficult or confusing task. In fact, it can actually be a very simple and straightforward process when you know what you’re doing.

Believe it or not, it’s actually possible to have a website up and making money not in months…not in weeks…but in mere days. You don’t need any prior experience, special talent, or technical knowledge. Anyone can build a money-making website from home that generates hundreds or even thousands of dollars each and every month.

Niche Profit Classroom is a system that will teach you a specific, step-by-step formula for creating a profitable website from scratch, and give you the tools to do it as quickly and easily as possible. Our step-by-step video training, powerful software software tools, and plug-n-play templates and resources enable you to get your website online, getting traffic, and generating income quickly.

The powerful combination of quality training, "done for you" resources, and personal coaching is what sets NPC apart from any other program or ‘system’ out there.

Video-Based Training: Our video course will walk you step-by-step through the proven formula for building profitable websites. You get to watch over our shoulders as we build, launch and promote our website right before your very eyes. You’ll get to see every single step that is required as we explain the reason behind.

Software Suite: The NPC software suite includes a variety of simple, yet powerful push-button software applications that drastically simplify the process of building and marketing your website. A few of the tools include our push-button website builder, market scorecard tool, and keyword research software. You don’t need any technical knowledge to use them. If you can point-and-click and follow the simple step-by-step videos, you can launch a profitable website with these tools.

Coaching & Support: Every week you’ll be invited to join us on a live, members-only webinars and coaching…

Internet Marketing Training, Software and Coaching

Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 12, 2012

Lead Rocket

I understand that I will receive the Lead Rocket plugin which includes 20 Hot designs, plus 20 High Quality images for your background images and as our special bonus we’ll also upgrade your order to an unlimited license for only $49.

“Just wanted to drop by and give my review…This thing is BAD ASS! Check this out made it in under 3 minutes”

“Dudes… LeadRocket is so sweet! “Incredibly simple and intuitive – and since it’s a plugin, it doesn’t fight with my installed themes. This is a plugin that everybody should have in their WP tool belt”

Lead Rocket

Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 12, 2012

MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate :: $1 Trial

It’s no secret that 95% of all bloggers out there make pennies from affiliate marketing, while a select few who are privileged enough to be in the "inner circle" make thousands of dollars effortlessly..

A lot of secrets are highly guarded in the blogging "inner circle" – and Ninja Affiliate is at the top of that list!

Ninja Affiliate is WordPress plugin developed to imbue lethal marketing powers into your WordPress blog and instantly double or triple your affiliate marketing commissions with almost no effort on your part.

Using Ninja Affiliate, you can automatically convert any keyword in your blog to an affiliate link instantly. You can also cloak your affiliate links, track them and manage them right from your WordPress text editor.

When it comes to converting keywords to affiliate links, Ninja Affiliate is the only system in the entire universe that allows you to have full control.

You can choose to limit the amount of keywords converted on a single page and on the blog as a whole..

This easily prevents your blog from looking like some annoying spam site with hundreds of links all over the place.

Plus, you can also have custom formatting for your affiliate links that are automatically converted by Ninja Affiliate!

Finally, you can turn off Ninja Affiliate’s "Keyword 2 Links" feature any time you want without breaking anything!

If there’s only one affiliate marketing system you can invest in this year, you’d better invest in Ninja Affiliate – it gives you the lethal firepower you need to survive the deadly game of affiliate marketing..

[ Note: Please read your affiliate network's TOS(Terms of Service) before activating this feature because some of the affiliate network won't allow to cloak their links. ]

When any software converts blog keywords into affiliate links, the load on your server is increased which results in your blog slowing down. MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate has got a smart caching feature that doesn’t slow down your blog.

I haven’t seen any other plugin even consider this factor – they just leave the blogger clueless as to why their blog is slowing down to a snail’s pace. But we’re not going to do that to you, which is why we have spent a huge chunk of our time tweaking the caching mechanism in our Maxblogpress Ninja Affiliate plugin, so that once the keyword replacement is calculated it won’t re-calculate again until…

MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate :: $1 Trial

Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 12, 2012

Make Money with Google and Clickbank!

My Friends and I Have Made $3,500 to $25,000 Monthly With Google & Clickbank Using a Simple Technique Which I Will Show You How it’s Done One on One Today on a Love it or Leave it 100% Test Trial!

No games, tricks, or schemes, I will show you how you can make an excellent monthly income on the internet with the help of Google and Clickbank.

I’ve decided to reveal an Amazing Secret that is making thousands of people Rich on the internet everyday with Google and Clickbank! I am not pulling your leg! I am going to show you a system my friends and I have been using for the last 8 years that has been earning us anywhere from $3,500 to $25,000 in checks month after month from Google and Clickbank!

I am going to show you a program that Google and Clickbank has opened to the public that is making a great amount of people on going monthly cash within 1-3 months from a system I have Mastered!

Now that I have figured out how to make an excellent monthly income on the internet with Google and Clickbank it’s now my duty to inform you on how this is done. Note: I have seriously been pushed to reveal this hidden information to the thousands of people interested in making money on the internet that really works. I want to help others fulfill their dreams of financial freedom. I am giving what took me one year to learn, to you, for one day of your time to setup for you. Yes, you heard me right, one day. All you have to do is follow some simple setup instructions and we will do the rest to get you on your way to making thousands of dollars monthly on the internet with Google and Clickbank.

Questions You May be Asking Yourself: Is this real? This can’t be that easy? Nobody practically gives away this kind of valuable information? The Answers: This is very real, easy, and being made public because, I am so fed up with these companies and individuals that are ripping people off and just plain lying to them with internet business programs that don’t work.

I want to make you very comfortable with the information I supply here at my website that I have decided to show you some Screen Shots my…

Make Money with Google and Clickbank!

Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 12, 2012

Encuestas Remuneradas: Responde Encuestas Remuneradas Y Gana Dinero Facil

Y en tan solo unos minutos TE VOY A ENSEÑAR EXACTAMENTE como TÚ TAMBIÉN puedes empezar a ganar dinero con esta simple; pero realmente efectiva actividad.

Empresas como Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Wal-Mart, Kmart, Ford, MacDonalds, Niké, Panasonic, Toyota, Hyundai, Dell, Microsoft y muchísimas otras similares, están constantemente tratando de mejorar sus productos y servicios con el objetivo principal de conquistar y mantener a sus clientes…

Antes de invertir Billones de dólares en el desarrollo y producción de nuevos productos y otra fortuna en campañas publicitarias, estos gigantes del mercado internacional necesitan saber lo que el consumidor prefiere.

El método más efectivo para estas empresas obtener nuestras opiniones y averiguar nuestros hábitos y preferencia de compra es mediante las Encuestas Remuneradas Por Internet.

Este es un método fácil, rápido, pueden alcanzar mucho más consumidores en mucho menos tiempo; y sobre todo, al utilizar este medio, Se Ahorran Muchísimo Dinero.

Miles De Personas Alrededor Del Mundo Estamos Utilizado Las Encuestas Remuneradas Como Un Medio Bien Efectivo Para Ganar Dinero Desde Nuestros Hogares.

Ciertamente ESTE NO ES uno de esos sistemas de trabajo en el hogar que te prometen hacerte rico o rica de un día para otro NI TAMPOCO uno de esos sistemas que te prometen ganar dinero sin hacer nada; pero también es muy cierto que con este simple; pero realmente efectivo sistema es MUCHO EL DINERO QUE SE PUEDE GANAR.

Lo que hace este sistema tan único y efectivo es que prácticamente cualquiera puede hacerlo sin importar el país de residencia, que tipo de conocimientos o experiencia de trabajo pueda tener, o aún no tenga experiencia alguna..

Para ganar dinero con la mayoría de los otros sistemas de trabajo por internet que puedas encontrar, hay muchos requerimientos y es mucho lo que hay que aprender y trabajar, con la esperanza de que se puedan obtener algunas ganancias

Con las Encuestas Remuneradas es completamente distinto: Para ganar dinero completando encuestas, lo único que necesitas es tener una opinión sobre los productos o servicios que de una forma u otra utilizas a diario y responder simples preguntas relacionadas con los mismos.

No importa si eres joven o viejo, hombre o mujer, si tienes un trabajo, te encuentras desempleado o si eres estudiante, ama de casa o retirado.

Una vez completas los pasos anteriormente mencionados, lo único que tienes que hacer es completar tantas encuestas como puedas. Las mismas no son…

Encuestas Remuneradas: Responde Encuestas Remuneradas Y Gana Dinero Facil


"When I bought Damien’s program, I had no idea how important it would be to me. Not five days after buying, I lost my job and my income. The ease of use and quick implementation of the program allowed me to turn right around and sell 3 Apps within two days of losing my job, giving me the money I needed to quickly get back on my feet. Now, I have a business that I control, that is positively cashflowing only a month after starting. It’s all because of Damien’s program and the contacts, training, and motivation that comes with it. Thanks, Damien."


Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 12, 2012™ - Instant Bulk Email and Advertising Services

Email 70 MILLION Targeted – Opt-In Prospects Every Month! That’s 2.3 MILLION Every Day! Increase Web Traffic & Sales Overnight! ONE CLICK BULK MAILING FROM OUR SERVERS!

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then the Solution has found YOU! What is the solution? Targeted email is the most direct and powerful method of marketing on the internet today.

There are potentially millions of targeted buyers willing to purchase your product or service. . .

You can use this system once EVERY DAY to reach well over 2.3 MILLION prospects TARGETED to receive business offers like yours.

Email marketing companies regularly charge $200-$300 to reach 10,000 prospects once! Why pay for each blast?

You will be provided with detailed instructions on how to send out your ads in the most effective way without worry with our easy to follow Video Tutorial.

BONUS – Get access to our E-Book library. More then 80 Titles To Download… Valued at Over $1,000.00

Get Real Responses to your Ads, Not 100′s of Counter Offers to your Email In-Box!!

The free e-books and software alone are worth hundreds More than the one time cost to join

Plus download all of the free software & E-Books now! More Than 80 E-Book Titles!

JOIN NOW and save 50% Due to rising costs, we are being forced to raise our price soon Join now before the price goes up!

You will only pay once to be a member, no further charges EVER! You will not be rebilled, and there are no monthly fees!

"We just had a chance to check out your private membership area, and are completely BLOWN AWAY by all the advertising services and tools you provide for your customers! You’re totally over-delivering and should be charging a monthly fee for this advertising service! Anyone looking to consistently generate more targeted leads to their website or affiliate links by using safe methods of email marketing should sign-up now. We will be recommending your product to ALL of our members." The Moderators

"Your approach is AWESOME! I am very impressed with all of the resources available here. I have been online for about 10 years, and trying to make money online for 1-1/2 yrs . Like just about everyone else, I have spent hundreds of dollars here and there, trying to find that…™ - Instant Bulk Email and Advertising Services

Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 12, 2012

Affiliate Blogger PRO

Hi! My name is Rosalind Gardner, and I’m known by my colleagues and students as the ‘Queen of Affiliate Marketing‘.

Since then, TENS of THOUSANDS of people have learned how to make money online through my books, blogs, conference appearances and consulting practice.

Almost every famous super-successful affiliate marketer got their start from my book and That THRILLS me.

A perfect example is Rosalind Gardner, who earns $30,000 to 50,000 a month in affiliate commissions…”

One of the few internet marketers that truly practices what she preaches and has helped me achieve the online success I enjoy today.

Rosalind’s down to earth style and practical advice got me hooked on internet marketing through affiliate marketing, and I`ll always be thankful for it.

Thank you for the awesome webinar that you hosted for us this morning. I feel blessed to be a part of this great community and I look forward to learning all that I can here at ABP. You and your team are an inspiration for us who are just beginning our affiliate marketing careers.

I was so excited I just had to come and put in a little blip here – actually a congratulatory note.

I’ve been working my way through the “content” section of your tutorials and came across the bit in “How to Hire a Ghostwriter” about use of correct grammar, etc.

WooooHoooo! What a refreshing concept. I commend you for setting the standard. When it comes to the use or misuse of the English language, I choose the former any day of the week.

Our average conversion rate is only about 1-1.5%, but you have reached as high as 6% with your prospects! In fact, I’m very curious about how you do that…

I am a…

Affiliate Blogger PRO

EasyVideoPlayer »

Routinely Builds Mailing Lists On AutoPilot!, Generate Massive Profits With Ease. Finally Breaks Down All Barriers To Video Marketing So You Can Start To Make Money Today!

Your orders are secure. Your billing statement will show a charge from CLKBANK.COM and you will gain immediate access to the product.

Stop marketing with video blindly. Automatically serve the most effective version of your video for maximum profits!

EVP Makes it easier than ever for your customers to buy from you and skyrockets your sales conversions!

Publish your videos on ANY website within seconds. (Allows EASY use of Amazon S3 or your own Hosting)

Your orders are secure. Your billing statement will show a charge from CLKBANK.COM and you will gain immediate access to the product via digital download.

Easy Video Player 2 is fully compatible with HTML5 on the iPad and iPhone! This gives you immediate access to the millions of iPhone, iPad and mobile devices who right now may not be able to view your video if you use different video player software.

If you are not happy, simply ask for our helpful support team for a refund and we will be happy to oblige as quickly as we can.

We also offer first class support to back up our product. If you have any questions when using EasyVideoPlayer 2, you can be confident that our support team will be there to back you up whenever you need it.

This software has changed the way MANY people market online. It is designed to give you maximum chance of making money fast, saving time in your business by making powerful tasks easier and building your lists faster than ever.

We are due to raise the price very soon, so take action now and secure your copy of EasyVideoPlayer 2 now before prices go up!

Your orders are secure. Your billing statement will show a charge from CLKBANK.COM and you will gain immediate access to the product via digital download.

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by WordPress, Google, Twitter, or Amazon nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by these sites.

* EVP is a one time payment and has no monthly fees. However you may still need to pay monthly fee’s for your Amazon S3 hosting charges. (These are not billed by us and we…

EasyVideoPlayer »

Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 12, 2012

Our ‘Battle Ads’ system is yet another breakthrough in online traffic generation. If you’ve ever played the game ‘king of the mountain’ as a child, you’ll already have a feel for how Battle Ads works… Unlimited CashBlurbs Members are able to submit one ad per day to our Battle Ads section… Your ad will immediately appear at the top of the page, but others can ‘knock it down’ by clicking on the link to your offer and viewing it for at least 10 seconds. But wait! You can ‘fight back’ by clicking and viewing the offers of those above you, in which case your ad will move back up the page! …There is some real strategy to Battle Ads that you’ll quickly get the hang of when you start using it, which can easily generate some SERIOUS additional traffic to your offers! Note: Battle Ads will be launching in just 2-3 weeks. All other CashBlurbs member benefits are live and available immediately upon login. There is a small fee of $3 per each Battle Ad submission for free members only (and this fee applies only to Battle Ads, specifically). Once again, Unlimited Members receive a FREE (no extra cost) daily Battle Ad submission, meaning an added $90 monthly value!

Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 12, 2012

Step by Step Cash System -

Give Me 3 Minutes of Your Time and I’ll Reveal To You The Exact 4 Steps That I Do to Make at Least $3,970 Every Week…

I’m not going to waste your time… It’s going to be short, and straight to the point.

Are you tired of hearing the same sob stories about “rags to riches” story because you don’t believe in it? You don’t ever want to hear anything about them, right? Well, neither do some people.

A lot of people are thinking the same way as you. Like them, you get sick and tired hearing about these business opportunities online that tells you to pay money up front, run websites, pay for pay per click advertising campaigns, sign up for affiliate programs, and ask for referrals from other people. Well, I have good news for you!

Don’t skip this one away because I guarantee that this piece of information will change your life forever. You know why? Because I just discovered a simple income system that will instantly help you earn big bucks! You don’t have to shell out money, because all you need is a computer and hook it up on the Internet!

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here it is then – it’s called “The Step-by-Step System” and it NEVER involves any of these:

“It’s really working man! I can’t believe it… It’s too good to be true. I took me only several days to crack the system.”

“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you offering this program. You’re program helped me discover many ways to make money from home and instead of sitting around at the house making no money, I can sit around the house making money:)”

You may not believe this but I have been using this 4 simple step system for many years now and it has supported me a generous income! And now, I’ll be sharing my secrets with you!

There are dozens of claims about getting riches online and for sure, you have heard of these before. You were probably lured into doing one of these to gain profit:

These I mentioned above require time, sweat and more money so it’s not something that you’ll be wasting time especially if you’re just an average…

Step by Step Cash System -

Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 12, 2012 - Get Paid To Take Surveys! Paid surveys, cash surveys, paid for your opinion, online focus groups, and more!

Dear Humble Income Seeker, Please say "Thank you" to whomever has just sent you to this page… Because right now you are looking at the #1 program for earning legitimate easy cash online! Thousands of people from all over the world are earning substantial incomes from home just by completing simple online surveys! You think this sounds too good to be true? Well then sit back and let me explain it for you… …and by the time I’m done you will realize that this may just be the most important message you will ever read…

"It started a bit slow at first, but then after I completed just a few surveys, a WHOLE BUNCH of surveys started flooding my email inbox… (read more)

"It only takes a few minutes of your time to complete these things, and before you know it you’re getting paid! I like getting paid… (read more)

"eCashOpinions is totally great! They have a very organized database of survey opportunities that makes it extremely easy to start… (read more)

Listen up… Right now I am earning $500 to $3500 a week for giving my opinion online…. I’m serious, million dollar corporations are tripping over their feet to give ME money! Every single year, these companies are shelling out billions of dollars in consumer market research. What is market research? This is how companies learn about their potential customers and gain insight on how people are currently thinking. They then use this information to customize their products and marketing campaigns to appeal to the current trends of society. And that is exactly why they need YOU! They are spending billions of dollars yearly just to find out what YOU are thinking! And I’m talking about some of the largest corporations in the world:

This opportunity is a hidden goldmine that only a few people actually know about… and these people are enjoying the luxury of earning an extra income from home that is simple and easy. Now… you can also become a part of this great opportunity. YOU can get paid for your humble opinion! With having my own opinion is my most rewarding attribute in more ways than one! Here’s what I get from eCashOpinions:

It’s fantastic! I can easily earn up to $75 per survey! And even up to $150 per hour for participating in online focus groups! This incredible opportunity is legitimate, professional… - Get Paid To Take Surveys! Paid surveys, cash surveys, paid for your opinion, online focus groups, and more!

Article Marketing tool - Amazing Article Formula Megapack

Attention Frustrated Article Writers: Learn to write articles that make your traffic soar, swarm your newsletter with subscribers, and swell your bank account with more revenue…

“This Amazingly Simple, Step-By-Step, Exclusive Formula Will Show You How To Write Articles That Bring Hordes of Traffic To Your Website!”

Are you frustrated with spending your time and effort writing article after article without them sending you any significant traffic for your website, newsletter, or product?

Maybe you’ve spent hours trying to write the “perfect article” and given up because you think you just can’t write?

Perhaps you’re new to article writing and want to make sure that you get it right the first time?

As the previous owner/editor of a popular article directory, I’ve seen just about every imaginable mistake when it comes to writing articles for promotion. In fact, I probably had to scrap more than 60% of the articles that were submitted because they were pure junk!

And a large portion of the articles I did accept never brought any decent traffic, subscribers, or revenue to their writers… Most article writers just don’t have a clue what to write, how to write it, or how to craft their articles into effective promotional vehicles.

Writing articles provides tremendous benefits to your business. Whenever you write and distribute a new article, you can:

… But NONE of this will happen for You if You don’t learn how to write an article that works!

After years of writing articles, under my own name and several pen names, and spending countless hours reading thousands of promotional articles, I’ve come up with a foolproof, step-by-step formula for writing high quality articles that get results.

If you’re tired of all the guesswork and really hate stumbling around in the dark when it comes to writing your articles … then You have to get this amazing formula. You see, an effective article writing campaign can be boiled down to a simple recipe. Put in all the ingredients and you can cook up large amounts of traffic, subscribers, and sales any time you want!

No guessing or wondering if it will work… It works every time you follow the formula step-by-step.

This foolproof, step-by-step article writing formula will show you everything you need to know to write high quality articles that get results… It doesn’t matter if you’re writing articles to drive hordes of traffic to your website, boost your subscriber base, or increase sales — The Amazing Article Formula works!

I’ll give you my Top 10 ideas and methods for reusing your articles to create maximum profit and exposure for your website, business, newsletter, product, or anything else you want to promote!

No need to reinvent the wheel every time you want to create new content or products because you can get a ton of mileage out of each and every one of your articles!

Google and other search engines…

Article Marketing tool - Amazing Article Formula Megapack

Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 12, 2012

Turn Words Into Traffic

From: Jim Edwards Subject: Legitimate, simple method generates FREE traffic to Your Site!

A number of ways, but the most important one I’m going to tell you about today is with free articles I send out over the Internet.

The website I mentioned above recently received 23,234 targeted visits in just 1 month (Click For Proof) from over 1,651 different sources – many of which came from my articles published in other people’s ezines and on their websites. Like I said above, on average, those visitors convert into more than $5,864.41 in sales every month. I don’t have to do much of anything now but cash the checks which come in twice a month.

Oh, one more thing, that website has been #1 or #2 out of 1,000′s of merchants on ClickBank’s Business to Business Category for almost three years now (Click For Proof)!

This e-book reveals the entire method—from soup to nuts—and it will work for anyone who uses it. Some of the resources in this ebook were a surprise, even to me.

Here’s my question to you: Even if you’re making sales from your website, are you paying through the nose for the traffic that gets you those sales?

If you’re making less than $500 a month from your website sales — or even if you’re making a lot more — read every word of this letter very carefully and I will share with you information about my method for getting free traffic that turns into hard cash month… after month… after month!

I used to ask that question daily until I discovered a dependable traffic source that

Every website could benefit from an extra 100, 200… even 500 visitors a day – especially if you didn’t have to pay for them!

Those extra visitors translate into spendable cash… and I like that. However, if you’re like me, you’re not a search engine guru and you don’t have an unlimited advertising budget. Also, you know that traffic schemes like "safe lists", FFA links pages, and "exit traffic" exchanges simply don’t work.

Well, I’ve found a system for generating steady traffic to my websites that doesn’t require you to become some sort of "guru" who can manipulate HTML code or install strange scripts. I’ve found something far simpler and effective that anyone can duplicate that drives targeted customers to your website as well or better than all the complicated and costly traffic schemes in the world!

It’s a simple formula really – I’ll tell you exactly how it works right now…

Step #1 – You write a 500 word article on a topic of great interest to a targeted audience and then…

Step #2 – You get a few of the tens-of-thousands of ezine publishers on the Web (who by the way need articles desperately) to run your article to their thousands of subscribers.

Step #3 – Of those thousands of people who see your article, some will click on your link at the bottom of the…

Turn Words Into Traffic

Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 12, 2012

PopUp Domination

Your blog is struggling to deliver consistent numbers of subscribers, which leads to low revenue growth.

Choose a theme to match your style and configure the options to get it just right for your audience.

It’s that easy, you’ll get an instant increase of at least 200% – and if you don’t, you get your money back!

The heart of PopUp Domination lies within our range of beautifully designed PopUps that are optimised for the highest opt-in & conversion rates.

Target specific pages, and categories for your PopUps to appear. It’ll help you build hyper-targeted lists of people who want what you have.

Completely customise the content and look and feel of each PopUp you create. You can choose from a ton of colours, change text and even upload cover images.

Take conversion rates to the next level by A/B testing different content, templates and styles. The more you test, the better your conversions will end up.

See which pages and PopUps are yielding the best results to help influence your future thinking about offers, and content on your website.

Either take advantage of the WordPress plugin or install PopUp Domination on any other website using the Standalone version.

PopUp Domination, combined with the right tactics, will enable you to make a bigger impact on your bottom line.

Don’t just let us convince you, hear it from our awesome customers. They are killing it with PopUp Domination!

There is absolutely no way you can lose, except by not giving PopUp Domination a try. We personally guarantee that you’ve never tried anything like it. If you don’t increase the number of email subscribers your list has we will happily refund you 100% of your cash.

*PopUp Domination is built using PHP & MySQL, so your server should support these standard technologies.

PopUp Domination

Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 12, 2012

PLR Recipes - PLR Cooking Articles

Attention Website and Blog Owners looking for QUALITY PLR Recipes and Food articles….

Do You Search The Internet For Recipes? So Do Your Readers. Bring Them Back Over And Over With Yummy PLR.

Let’s face it, there are other important aspects of your website that need your attention and writing content or paying for ghostwriters or private label rights memberships with sub-par content takes you away from those things.

That’s why we created Yummy PLR. To show you that you don’t have to do it all yourself in order to keep your readers and the search engines coming back to your website again and again.

If your website targets people interested in cooking, eating, homemaking, or recipes, you owe it to your visitors (and yourself) to check out Yummy PLR.

Thought to yourself "I know how important content is to my website and I know using private label rights content will help save me time and money, but I just can’t afford it right now." NOT with YummyPLR!

All of our recipes, articles and all other content are written by those who are highly qualified in the food and cooking industry. They are ORIGINAL to our site, written by our college-educated writers.

Did I mention that we’re perfectionists? (Actually we’re down-right picky.) If we wouldn’t put the content on our own websites, we won’t ask you to either.

Without well-written, edited and proofread content, you will never reach the highest potential of owning a website.

All of this content is PLR, which means you can edit it and use it for your websites, blogs, newsletters, special reports, and so much more, as you see fit. We do suggest that in order to see the most benefit, you put your personal touches on the content before posting it to your websites.

For ONLY $4.95 for the first month and then $15.00 each month that you remain a member, you’ll receive 40 pieces of cooking related content, including professionally written articles and recipes that have our personal seal of approval.

These articles and recipes will be delivered by email RIGHT TO YOUR INBOX by the 5th of the month, each and every month that you are a member.

You will be billed only $4.95 for the first month and $15 for every additional month that you remain a member.

Special Member’s Only Bonus (Get access to our favorite resources to help you learn how to grow your business, use your content more effectively, and more.)

If you have a website that targets people — moms, dads, grandmas, college students, teens, working professionals, single people — frugal, spendies, foodies… everyone has to eat.

Add these PLR recipes as a value-added bonus to your website, blog, in your ezine or even in a printed newsletter. For just a few bucks a month, you can provide more value to your readers. What’s there to say "no" to?

"Hi Nicole: I just signed up for the Yummy Plr membership. So…

PLR Recipes - PLR Cooking Articles

Wholesale Suppliers for eBay - SaleHoo

Drop shippers – Suppliers who sell you products AFTER you sell them. This eliminates the risk of you buying stock that might not sell. No money upfront required!

Wholesalers – Product suppliers to sell direct to retailers. Wholesalers offer rock-bottom prices on small to medium sized wholesale lots

Liquidators – Purchase bulk items from retail outlets and manufacturers. They often deal with seconds or old-season stock. Fantastic for designer or popular brands like Nike or Dior.

Manufacturers – Create products from raw materials. They offer extremely low prices on items on large orders

Hi I’m Ricky – an eBay seller and SaleHoo member from Australia. When my daughter was born I wanted to provide an opportunity for my wife, Ally, to stay at home with our new baby. The Proble… Read more

When my daughter was born I wanted to provide an opportunity for my wife, Ally, to stay at home with our new baby. The problem was, achieving this on one income simply wasn’t possible – so I began to look around for a home-based business opportunity.

Ally had a background in sales, and I had already sold a few things on eBay and built up good feedback, so we eventually decided eBay would be a good place to start.

We SaleHoo in August 2009, attracted by the promise of good wholesale leads with user reviews. From the outset, SaleHoo seemed perfectly oriented to our business. We also loved the idea of SaleHoo’s member forums, where you can ask a question and have it answered promptly by a like-minded seller.

While our main reason for joining SaleHoo was to find wholesale suppliers and honest reviews, we also faced a number of other challenges with our business, such as avoiding scammers and learning how to go about the setting up our eBay listings.SaleHoo has been extremely useful to overcoming these challenges. The information on how to deal with taxes was a God-send! On the forums we received even more advice on tax by reading posts from other sellers based in Australia.

Shortly after joining SaleHoo, our business grew from making $300/month profit, to $4,000/month profit. SaleHoo’s education has been the greatest contributing factor to their ongoing eBay success, and in early 2010, we were thrilled to reach Gold Power Seller status.

Our future plans are to focus on improving our time management and accounting. At this stage…

Wholesale Suppliers for eBay - SaleHoo

Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 12, 2012

Article Marketing Tools And Article Marketing Syndication -

Empower Network Marketing Funnel An Insider’s View By: David Johnson – You are seeing a lot of Empower Network blogs today, but what about the Empower Network Marketing system. Here is a indepth look at the marketing system and if it is effective.

Article Marketing Without The Hassles By: Ord Allenbea – Discover some of the important steps that you must take when you are writing your articles and content. Learn how to keep your mind fresh with new ideas for content creation that wi…

Lead Without Authority By: Adam Orlandella – In a business world of cross culture hierarchies and individual contributors, one of the toughest challenges is learning to lead without authority. If you can’t master this skill, …

Empower Network Blogs Examined By: David Johnson – You may see a lot of Empower Network blogs popping up in the search engines. This is an examination into exactly what is an Empower Network blog and is it possible to make money from it.

Why I Love Football Manager By: David Johnson – I found Football Manager in 2001 and fell in love with this game. It is really the only video game I play right now. Here is why.

GoJo Hands Free Review By: David Johnson – My thoughts on GoJo Hand Free after seeing the funny infomercial. Some problems I have with the product and why I am not buying one.

Earned vs Granted Leadership By: Adam Orlandella – What is it that attracts us to a leader? Their charisma, their status, their vision? What I’ve learned over the years, through research and general experience is that there is no …

Article Marketing Tools And Article Marketing Syndication -

Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2012

OMG Machines

1 year ago, Greg Morrison, the guy I call the "One Man Gang" was waking up at 3 AM in the morning, every morning, to go to a day job.

He was living in gang territory, and to make matters more complicated, he found out his fiance was pregnant with their first child. Greg realized he needed to change the gravy recipe FAST.

Sign up below to find out exacly how Greg and I are making so much, just for placing free ads on the Internet. (And you’ll get instant access to our extraordinary live events, the replay of our last live event, and our killer blog. All when you join us below:)

(Make sure to check your email inbox for an email from Greg with the subject: "Confirm Your OMG Lifetime Updates Subscription, Plus Access To Live Events, Replays and Blog." because if you don’t confirm your subscription then you won’t get access to the best community that exists in the online marketing world!)

OMG Machines

A Fresh Way to Make Money Online

You see, I left home with dreams of becoming an actor, and I moved to Hollywood on a wing and a prayer…

… Because once I started having success in Hollywood, I quickly realized that even the top actors and actresses have it tough when it comes to their wallets.

And I found a better way. I left behind a promising career as an actor, when I stumbled across a secret that made me $90,000 in one day, at just 21 years of age.

And I’ve decided to give away my top secret formula, in a simple ABC format, that anyone, including a grandmother from Texas, can follow with ease…

… But first I want to give you a bit of my background, because it’s important for you to understand that I came from one of the roughest neighborhoods in a crime-ridden Alabama town…

… And I was able to turn it all around… so I KNOW that no matter what you’re faced with financially, there is a way out.

My early childhood was spent on a farm in a very small town called Roy, about 100 miles outside of Seattle, Washington. We had a mule, a horse, 2 donkeys, a miniature bull (only 32 inches tall), a llama, a goat, geese, peacocks, pigs, and chickens. I made money as a child by selling eggs to the local town folk.

At 13, my parents got divorced, and I was subsequently shipped to another middle-of-nowhere town called, Mobile, Alabama. (after my mother was finally released from a mental facility where I would visit her in a straight jacket…no joke)

I saw shows like Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous, or MTV Cribs, and I wanted all of those things.

Then one night I came home and found my stepdad very drunk & angry, stumbling around yelling. This was an often occurrence, as alcohol was his only escape from Crohn’s Disease.

However, this time was different. He was an ex-cop, and this time he had his 9 millimeter Beretta in his hand, and he put it to the back of my head. I thought I was a goner.

I ran as fast as I could to my room, slammed the door and locked it. I called 911 as he banged on my door. Seconds later I heard a shot. I slowly crept out of my room to find my mother crying…

A Fresh Way to Make Money Online

Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 12, 2012

Article Czar-Article Services

Affiliates: Promote Article Czar for 60% of Sales Price! CLICK HERE to generate a link to place on your website and receive cash though Clickbank. Discover the most underused marketing technique on the net, yet it drives masses of free traffic to your website. You know what it is and you have heard a lot about it, but have you really used it properly? Article Marketing can make all the difference between success and failure yet most people have no idea how to go about it properly. What’s wrong with free advertising?

So many people play at writing articles – they use article spinners that get them nowhere but penalized by Google – they write stuff that nobody in their right senses is going to read, let alone visit their website and buy from them! Now’s the time to put that right and start making use of an untapped gold mine of traffic!

Article marketing has been simmering away for about five years now and gently coming to the boil. It is not yet boiling, but:

Are you ready to cash in on what Google now accepts as their Premier means of gaining PageRank points?

Are you ready to fall behind you competitors as they drive masses of traffic to their sites and you lose out?

How to write article titles that will attract readers like honey attracts bears, and like Britney attracts the press.

How to design a resource that compel readers to click to your web page, and how to choose the right web page for them.

How to use your blogs to make money from your articles: if you have no blogs, how to get one and design it properly.

Learn how to use articles for maximum exposure and profit, Forget SEO – who needs it when you have the best advertising medium of all

Learn what Bum Marketing really is, and how to use to make money by means of an example, created right in front of your eyes.

I don’t guarantee perfect results That depends on you and how you put the book to use. But I do guarantee that if you are unhappy in the next 60 days, you will get every penny back

From the basics of how to research, write and submit articles, to advanced knowledge such as Search Engine Optimization and Latent Semantic Indexing, leaves no stone unturned

I can assure any Internet "newbie" who reads Article Czar that he/she will not need any other e-book, seminar or blueprint to discover exactly how to become a top article marketer.

And just like in SEOcious, in Article Czar, you put your money where your mouth is by taking us through live examples to show us exactly how you make over $2,000 with just one article!

As an experienced article marketer myself, I uncovered priceless nuggets of valuable information throughout the e-book…I’m talking about real-world article marketing strategies that I would have never thought of myself. I’m going to put…

Article Czar-Article Services


WARNING: This Volume Of Traffic and Money Can NOT Be Achieved Using Google™, Yahoo™, MSN™, Banner Ads, Social Bookmarking, Social Networking, FaceBook™, Adwords™, SEO, Blogging, Article Writing, Media Buys, Classified Ads, Twitter™, Link Building, eMail Drops, Adswaps And Joint Ventures COMBINED!!!

FACT: They’re Tedious, Too Complicated, Too Challenging, Too Expensive, Too Stressful, Time Consuming And Overcrowded.

After 4 long years of consistently making money online there is ONE essential ingredient you need for success and that is …

I can honestly tell you, you need traffic to make money online. There’s *absolutely* no other way around it.

I’ve been getting instant traffic and I will prove to you with my years of experience, it DOESN’T get any easier than this.

FOUR years is a long time … that’s 48 months, 1,461 days, 35,064 hours or 2,103,840 minutes learning every trick in the book. I’ve even spent over $100,000 learning these so called ‘techniques’. That’s an average of $2,083.00 a month.

I’ve burnt my hard earned money trying every one of these gimmicks and wasted a lot of time over the years.

I’ve tried Google Adwords™, banner ads, social bookmarking, social networking, FaceBook™, SEO, blogging, article writing, media buys, classified ads, link building, email drops, adswaps, joint venture partners … and in the end…

… as they were too tedious, too expensive, too complicated, too time consuming with endless days and nights of hard work. I did get a dribble of traffic or 10 visitors, if I was lucky.

They’ll work for one day and the next … I began questioning myself to what I did wrong. Fact is … we don’t do anything wrong … we’re just using outdated, overcrowded methods that worked wonderfully yesterday, NOT TODAY!!

This whole making money online ‘thing’ was new to me too … I didn’t have the slightest clue what to do and where to start or even how. The only thing on my mind was how to make ‘some’ money but for that I learnt I needed instant traffic and I needed it fast.

I knew it could be done as I’ve witnessed everybody else raking in the traffic AND cash except me.

Fact is … once you know how to get an instant rush of traffic consistently, you’ll begin to see cash being generated consistently into your accounts too.

What if you could find a ton of people quickly to deposit from $0…


Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 12, 2012

Weekly Spin Ready Articles - Best Quality Spinnable Articles

"Kiss YOUR Article Researching, Writing, Rewriting And Spinning Nightmares Goodbye With *BRAND NEW* Weekly Spin-Ready Articles That YOU Can Plug In For UNLIMITED Unique Articles INSTANTLY!"

Since the term “Bum Marketers” was coined, tens of thousands of internet marketers make full time incomes just writing and submitting articles daily to generate targeted traffic and build quality backlinks to their websites and affiliate offers. Article directories are super popular with search engines and get tons of targeted traffic daily.

That is one of the reasons why submitting articles to article directories and blogs is one of the BEST STRATEGIES to get more visitors to your websites and to build quality backlinks for better rankings in the search engines.

You can easily enter 2 html links in each article for double the amounts of backlinks for each article submitted.

Because the backlinks are related to the content (the info in the article), it carries more weight in Google.

There are some great automatic tools and semi-automatic software tools that let you submit articles to hundreds or thousands of article directories and blogs for quick quality backlinks.

You can only submit it to one article directory and then it is not unique anymore, so you have to write your next article again.

If you want to spin it so that you can submit unique articles, it can take you hours or can cost you as much as $25 per 500 word article.

I am offering an exclusive 100 members a chance to get access to a brand new pack of 5 original spinnable articles targeting HOT Internet Marketing each and every week, like clockwork!

These articles are already pre-spun to a very high uniqueness level, meaning you can spin them into thousands of unique articles that you can submit to article directories or use as original content on your blogs and websites. You can even sell unique articles or use them to create your own totally unique ebooks to sell for 100% profits.

I am so confident that I am over delivering with this product, that I am willing to let you try this membership risk free for 60 days. If during this time, you feel that Weekly Spin-Ready Articles is not everything that I promised and that you didn’t get your money’s worth, let me know and you will get all your money back, no problem.

Are you going to continue wasting hours of your precious time creating original articles or are you going to grab this opportunity by the balls and get thousands of unique articles that you can use over and over to build unlimited backlinks and get more traffic?

How much would 5 well-written totally pre-spun articles in current hot in-demand Internet Marketing niches be worth to you?

It takes my professional team of article writers and spinners as long as 7 hours writing and spinning 1 of these articles. I have seen membership sites charging you $147 per month for the…

Weekly Spin Ready Articles - Best Quality Spinnable Articles

Weekly Review Templates - Create A Review Website - Instant Site Launcher

You don’t have to have an extensive background in technology to create a website that can earn you money and be profitable. You just need basic computer experience like checking your emails. It is simpler than you could imagine!

It is simpler than you could imagine with the right tools – no need to install anything to build your site!

You can earn money without having to come up with your own product – these websites provide you with a passive income!

This isn’t a dream or your imagination! It will make perfect sense when you have finished reading this page..

This site is made for you no matter if you are a student, a parent that stays at home with their children, an owner of an online business or just someone in need of some cash!

Most likely, if you are reading this, you are like all of the others that have been searching the Internet trying to find their own way to make money using the internet. Am I right?

Of course -there aren’t many who haven’t conducted one of these searches. However, there are many people that get discouraged with all of the get rich quick scams.

It isn’t just the scams that discourage people but the actual process itself. This includes learning the vocabulary of Internet terms, setting up your website, getting people to come to your website and much more. These things become confusing.

Or you could be one of the entrepreneurs who "almost" got it. You tried to earn your money but got frustrated and quit doing it before you even got your website launched. Are you one of them?

What you need is a business plan that is solid and profitable as well as a tool to build a powerful website…

Weekly Review Templates - Create A Review Website - Instant Site Launcher

Special Offer

I won’t waste your time talking about how beneficial getting products with Master Resell Rights can be. I’m sure you already know that getting these kinds of products is the quickest, easiest, and least expensive way to get products to sell and start making money.

That’s how a lot of people, myself included, got started making money online – by selling products that other people created.

The real task is finding quality products to sell . . . and quantity. Everyone says that you will never get rich selling one ebook. No matter how many copies of the ebook you sell, you will always be leaving money on the table.

You need plenty of high quality products to sell on the back end . . . that is, you need more products to sell to your customers after they buy that first product from you.

Of course, you could spend the time and money to create all of these products yourself. Or, you could spend the time (a lot of time, actually) and money to find quality products that have resell rights that you can turn around and sell to your current customers.

But, the best . . . and most cost- and time-effective . . . option is to have a good look at this limited time offer that I have put together for you here.

I’ve managed to put together this package of 25 HOT selling products for you. And on top of that, I am able to bring them to you at a significant discount. Buying all of these products with Master Resell Rights could cost hundreds of dollars, and dozens of valuable hours to track them all down.

But with this limited time offer, you’ll spend a fraction of the time and money getting 25 top quality products to start selling immediately.

This report will show you the…

Special Offer